MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent

About the software

MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent is an application that can receive, optionally translate, and forward SNMP protocol messages to final targets. It will also receive, translate, and send responses to these messages back to the message originators.

In addition to SNMP Get, GetNext, GetBulk and Set messages, it can also forward and translate SNMP Trap and SNMP Inform notification messages. The software supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 protocol versions and can translate SNMP messages between different versions of the protocol. It supports SNMP over IPv4 and IPv6 and can switch between these transport protocols while proxying SNMP messages. Furthermore, the software supports the so-called port-based proxying and IP-based proxying scenario. The former means that Proxy Agent listens for incoming SNMP packets on different ports on (typically) one IP address, while the latter means that Proxy Agent listens on a range of different IP addresses. In both cases, it forwards received SNMP requests to end destinations and responses in the opposite direction, automatically performing the basic network address translation (NAT) where needed. All this can make MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent transparent to the network management (NMS) applications and managed SNMP devices, which are not aware that the actual management is conducted through an SNMP proxy application.
A typical SNMP proxy agent application is located between a network management system (NMS) and the managed devices (SNMP agents), for example, when NMS and agents do not support the same version of the SNMP protocol or when they are not in the same (sub)network.

In addition to SNMP (UDP) packets, the software can proxy also arbitrary TCP packets. The user interface provides a separate view for configuring TCP proxy forward rules and offers functions for creating and editing single and multiple TCP rules at a time. As with SNMP (UDP) packets, one can use different proxying scenarios also for forwarding TCP packets, for example, IP-based or port-based scenario, or a combination of both.

MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent main window (dark mode)
MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent main window (dark mode)

Furthermore, MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent can act as a secure printer proxy on a Windows Print Server machine, locally translating Windows-generated SNMPv1 messages to SNMPv3 messages and forwarding these to network printers (and do vice-versa with responses). This functionality enables securing the SNMP traffic generated by the Windows print management facility to monitor the queue status (ready/no paper/paper jam/toner low/…) and configuration of network print devices. Namely, Windows does not support SNMPv3 protocol and uses insecure SNMPv1 protocol to manage printers, while SNMP Proxy Agent supports secure SNMPv3 protocol version and can translate SNMP messages on-the-fly. The software includes a convenient Printer Proxy Wizard that reads the print server configuration on the host Windows machine, and lets you easily reconfigure printer drivers (TCP/IP ports) to utilize loopback addresses ( and automatically create the relevant printer proxy rules for forwarding both, SNMP and TCP traffic of selected printers.

The main components of the MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent software package are the Proxy Agent Service and the management console. Proxy Agent Service is a system service that runs in the background and receives, translates and forwards SNMP and TCP packets. The SNMP Proxy Agent management console provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring the Proxy Agent Service.

MG-SOFT SNMP Proxy Agent is available for 64-bit MS Windows operating systems (Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.x, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11, Windows Server 2022) and for 64-bit (x86_64) Linux operating systems (RHEL/CentOS 6.6+, Debian 8+, Ubuntu 14.04+).

A customer testimonial
"I have been a user of MG-SOFT's products for many years and I have found your products to be intuitive and very useful. I use your products in every aspect of my professional life from engineering complex network issues to explaining the ever evolving world of networking via my writing."

Thomas M. Thomas II, CCIE, CCSI, Principal Network Engineer
Granite Systems, Inc., U.S.A.