Request a 30-day evaluation license key

Without a valid license key MG-SOFT's software products operate in restricted mode. You are welcome to apply for an evaluation license that will unlock most features in the software for a limited period of time, so that you may evaluate the software free of charge and determine its suitability for your particular needs.

Under the evaluation license you are not permitted to use the evaluated product for any kind of commercial purposes. This means that you are not permitted to test other software products or equipment that you are developing, you may not use the evaluated software for debugging, problem solving, stress testing, providing training, providing support or any such and similar purposes! Such activities can only be performed after you obtain the regular license for using the product.

In order to obtain the evaluation license you should:

  • properly fill-in and submit the application form on this page. A confirmation E-mail will be sent to the given E-mail address,
  • reply to the confirmation E-mail. You will not receive the evaluation license key unless you send a reply to <>.

For security reasons MG-SOFT generally does not send license keys to E-mail addresses at web-based E-mail providers or at free E-mail providers. To receive the evaluation license key you must provide your regular E-mail address.

MG-SOFT reserves the right to refuse any incomplete application without notice.