MG-SOFT Network Management ToolBox

About the software package

Maintaining and managing devices on the network has become an expensive part of owning a network. You need different tools and applications to perform a complete and efficient network management job. The Network Management ToolBox package contains MG-SOFT's superb network management applications: MIB Browser Professional SNMPv3 Edition, Net Inspector (LITE, WorkGroup or Enterprise Edition), Trap Ringer (TR0064 or TRXXXX Edition) and MIB Compiler, bundled together in a package at significantly reduced licensing fees.

For details, compare features between various MG-SOFT's SNMP network management products. Depending on your particular needs, you can select and license a package containing two or more MG-SOFT network management products and save!

MG-SOFT Network Management ToolBox packages are available for Windows and Linux operating systems.

MG-SOFT MIB Browser SNMPv3 Edition

MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition with MIB Compiler is an extremely flexible, technically superb, powerful and user-friendly SNMP browser. Because of its intuitive user interface, beginners can easily perform all basic SNMP operations to retrieve and modify values in SNMP agents. On the other hand, with its wide range of features, MG-SOFT MIB Browser proves to be a flexible, and above all, a complete application, suitable for the most advanced SNMP gurus.

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MG-SOFT Net Inspector

MG-SOFT Net Inspector is a carrier-grade network management software package offering Operational Support Systems (OSS) service assurance solutions that can be deployed in multi-vendor and multi-technology environments. The software performs ITU X.733-compliant fault management, distributed performance management, as well as a number of other operations to support monitoring device availability, network health conditions and status, system performance, storage resources, service and program maintenance, VoIP Quality-Of-Service metrics monitoring, NetFlow monitoring...

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MG-SOFT Trap Ringer Professional Edition

MG-SOFT Trap Ringer Professional Edition is a software package designed for monitoring SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 TRAP notification messages and SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 INFORM notification messages sent by arbitrary devices on the network. It lets you manage received notifications in a number of various ways and includes efficient mechanisms for informing network operators about the received SNMP notifications.

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A customer testimonial
"One word: Brilliant! Very nice work. The editing directly in the table view makes life easier. The HTML export and PDF export are very nice ... I hadn't heard from MG-SOFT in a while and was a bit concerned, but now I know what you have been doing all the time. Very nice work!"

Alex Lindeijer, System Management
Ericsson, Norway